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This is API V1, which is no longer maintained

For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Quick Start

This guide will show you how to get started and set up payments and building your frictionless checkout experience.

Step 1: Create an account

The Sandbox environment is a near-replica of Paynow's production system, designed for integration and testing purposes. To access the test environment, you need to register separately with just an e-mail address. After registering and creating a shop, you will have the ability to perform test payments. This allows you to simulate various scenarios and evaluate the functionality of your integration before deploying it in the production environment.

To test our Paynow Sandbox environment, register here.

Step 2: Configure your shop

Provide notification and return address URLs. Here you can also configure available payment methods for your integration.

Step 3: Make a payment

  1. Prepare payment request data
  2. Calculate Signature to your request

Example call:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Api-Key: {{apiKey}}' \
--header 'Signature: {{signature}}' \
--header 'Idempotency-Key: {{idempotencyKey}}' \
--data-raw '{
"amount": 100,
"externalId": 234567898654,
"description": "Test transaction from quick quide",
"buyer": {
"email": ""

Step 4: Handle payment status

During the payment process, Paynow delivers asynchronous notifications about the current payment status each time the status is changed. Notifications are sent as an HTTP POST request to the given notification URL.

Example of notification message:

  curl -X POST \
<notification URL> \
-H 'Signature: F69sbjUxBX4eFjfUal/Y9XGREbfaRjh/zdq9j4MWeHM=' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d \
"paymentId": "NOLV-8F9-08K-WGD",
"externalId": "9fea23c7-cd5c-4884-9842-6f8592be65df",
"status": "CONFIRMED",
"modifiedAt": "2024--06-01T13:24:52"

Each time Paynow sends notification, your system must verify the integrity of an incoming message by validating its Signature header. If the calculated Signature doesn't correspond to the value present in the Signature header do not process that message.

Step 5: Up next

Now go ahead, and start creating your own app. You can use our SDK or one of already completed plugins to Ecommerce platforms.